Did you miss all the excitement in January?  If you've been able to get out of bed each morning and enjoy a great day with an average body temperature of 98.6,  congratulations! You've missed *most* of the flu season. With that in mind, February is a great time to introduce your body to Melaleuca: our essential oil of the month.

Physically, Melaleuca has incredible antiviral properties. Testing has recently been done to determine how effective it would be against the flu virus. Researchers measured the amount of live flu virus found in a closed room before and after the oil was diffused for 2 minutes. Ten minutes after diffusing, most of the viruses were non-reactive; after 15 minutes they were non-existent!  How effective is that? You decide- but it's good enough for us to give it a chance.

Emotionally, Melaleuca is known as an oil of empowerment.  It flushes and diminishes negative energy (viruses!) from our mindset, allowing us to walk away from the toxic and parasitic aspects of our lives. Use it to connect with the people and surroundings who honor and respect your boundaries.



Henry Ford once said, “Don’t find fault, find a remedy.”  

Diffuse this Melaleuca blend when you have the need to relinquish self-betrayal and codependent tendencies. This is a bright, fresh scent that leaves you feeling like moving forward.


4 drops Melaleuca

4 drops Bergamot



Support to stave off the flu (or other viruses) is essential in winter, especially with little ones! Smooth a couple drops of this blend onto your skin after a clean swipe of your myBase Solid Carrier Oil Stick, which has 4 different carrier oils to make sure your essential oils are fully absorbed. We suggest applying this blend every 5 minutes (or whenever you think about it) and kiss those never-ending symptoms of the flu goodbye. This blend is deep, multi-dimensional and great to use on the bottoms of your feet.


4 drops Melaleuca

4 drops Lemon

2 drops Clove



If you're looking for a Melaleuca blend that's less "herb-y", you just might love this blend of Neroli, Roman Chamomile, and Melaleuca.  This is a wonderful blend for both diffusing and topical application (we're currently using it as a massage blend- MMM). Just use your myBase Solid Carrier Oil Stick or favorite diffuser.  You will feel more uplifted and grounded - all at the same time.


3 drops Neroli

2 drops Roman Chamomile

2 drops Melaleuca




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